(USA) 2021 Christmas Worship Service of I-Vine Chapter (U of I) on December 18, 2021
The Word became Flesh (Immanuel)
by J*oshua Hong
Merry Christmas! Jehovah Jeri(provision), Ebenezer (help), and Immanuel(Presence) are the three testimonial foundations for the Judao-Christian faith tradition. These three have everything to do with the Coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. I-Vine UBF Church planting at UIUC has been a time of experience with the God who provided students, helped to form a ministry, and dwelt among us.
The Christmas service was the apex of God’s loving care for us. Present-day Magi from Kansas, St. Louis, and Chicago came to celebrate “Immanuel” based on John 1:14, “the Word became flesh.” Eternal God the Son became flesh that we sinners have grace, truth, and dwelling of the Holy Spirit. M. Paul Choi served “O Holy Night,” and made an environment. Joshua Hong’s message was Christ-centered. Sungjong served special music. Dylan and Kwesi shared their testimony. Daniel King served in various ways. A total of 32 people attended and among them, 8 were students from UIUC. This worship service was dedicated to suffering Christians in Myanmar. The Offering will be sent to support them. Thank God for cheerful givers. I-Vine UBF has a few prayer topics: 1. Form a loving community. 2. Dylan, Daniel, and Kwesi may grow as stewards for God’s work. 3. Lay a good foundation for further ministry at UIUC.