(USA) New York UBF Remained in Jesus in 2021
By M*oses Kim
“I am the vine and you the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from you, you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
2021 was a continuous spiritual battle for us amid the pandemic. What we had to face was like a spiritual earthquake, which we could have never imagined. Many of us could not sleep for weeks due to shock and dismay. The Lord challenged us to remain in him moment by moment. Thank the Lord who disciplined us in his love and divine wisdom. We are not out of the woods yet, but we are taking one step at a time, depending on God’s mercy and guidance. In 2021, we studied the last part of 1 Samuel (ch. 20-31), the first part of 2 Samuel (ch. 1-3), and Luke 15-35. Pastor D*avid delivered Sunday messages on Luke’s Gospel, and lay missionaries and shepherds (M*oses Kang, P*ablo Alvarez, J*oseph Han, W*illiam Shin, J*ames S. Kim, and A*braham Jung) served Sunday messages on 1 and 2 Samuel. The new praise and worship team was formed during the pandemic for Sunday worship service as well.
Thank the Lord for his work among young disciples, HBF, and CBF members through His words. Shepherd A*lex Safos and E*unice Safos went to Belise as silver missionaries. We didn’t have in-person Bible Conferences last year. But we mainly focused on Sunday Bible studies and personal faith in Jesus Christ in our day-to-day life. Thank the Lord for growing new young leaders (J*oseph & R*ebecca Han and S*amuel & S*arah Choi), who are stewards for young disciples.