(LATIN AMERICA) Schedules for the 2022 Easter Conferences
1. Puebla UBF (4/8-10)
*Messengers: Maria, Gabriela, Abraham, Adriana, David
*Life testimonies: Sara, Mari Jose, Andrea
*Prayer topics:
1. Growing leaders may be equipped by God's calling and vision newly
2. Have new life among students by accepting Jesus' calling and salvation
2. Iztacala UBF (4/15-17)
Messengers: Jose Saavedra, Angie Aguayo, Angeles Meza, Evelin Matinez, Virginia hernandez, Norma Tellez, Jaziel Rodriquez, Claudia Rosas.
Prayer Topics
1. Hybid face -to face and online conference
2. God raise up the disciples of Jesus Christ through this conference
3. IPN UBF (4/15-17)
Messengers: Salvador, Alexander, Andres Kim
Prayer topics:
1. 2nd gens, Grace, Sara, Daniel y, and Sara H. may meet Jesus personally
4. Guadalajara UBF (4/14-17)
Messengers: Gustavo, Rebeca, Victor, Eunice
Prayer topics:
1. Have a deep fellowship with one another through the conference
2. Growing deeper faith of God's kingdom
5. CU United Conference (4/14-17) (Acatlan, Cuautlian, Querretaro, Santiago, El Salvador)
Messengers: Audiel, Lucio, Alejandro, Raul Soto, Enrique, Luis
Prayer topics: 1. Powerful words of God 2. Students may accept Jesus deeply
Honduras (4/22-24)
Messengers: Heydi, Cyndi, Amparo
Prayer topics: 1. 20 attendees 2. Powerful words of God
Nicaragua (4/14-16)
Messengers: Jonathan, Serzing, Ana, Mariano, Sandra
Prayer topics: 1. Each person may invite one person to in-person conference 2. Deep meditatioin on the grace of the cross of Jesus