(USA) I-Vine UBF (University of Urbana Champaign UBF) Had Their First Easter Gathering on April 17, 2022
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By J*oshua Hong
I-Vine UBF had its first Easter gathering at Urbana-Champaign on April 17, 2022.
Pastor M*in Chung, T*ony King and J*oshua Hong served the messages. T*ony testified in his message, “It is true. The Lord has risen," and we were convicted that Christ has indeed been raised from the dead. 5 students (J*oshua, K*wesi, S*ungjong, D*aniel, and D*ylan) shared their reflections on Christ's death and resurrection. Dylan’s picture skit was well-done and humorous. S*ungjoing played the clarinet beautifully. We also walked, reflected, and prayed on campus for 2 hours. We pray to be witnesses of Jesus' death and resurrection for 50,000 students at the University of Urbana-Champaign.