Washington UBF Harvest Festival 2012

by WMD   11-21-2012   0 reads

Washington UBF

November 21, 2012
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-- his good, pleasing and perfect will." (Romans 12:2)
Washington UBF celebrated 20th Bible Center Dedication ceremony from Nov 9-11, 2012 at their Bible Center. Praise God for blessing 20th Harvest Festival prepared by Washington Young Disciples of Jesus.
On Friday Dr. Daniel Lee spoke about the role of Christians as intercessors of prayers for all nations. Jesus' church must offer up intercessory prayers for campus students, America, and the world mission.
On Saturday Prof. Mark Mayer from Capital Bible Seminary spoke about the gospel and culture based on Matthew 13:1-23.  He recognized our full potential to bear fruits of 30, 60, and 100 times what was sown. But many Christians became the thorny soils just be saved but did not produce any fruits due to the pressure of the cultural influences. He explained how the gospel resist the pressure of the culture so that we may become fruitful gospel workers. These cultural influences were: first, seeking approval from people rather than from God; second, valuing material wealth rather than spiritual wealth; third, being politically correct rather than speaking the truth in love; fourth, viewing the church as a human institution; and fifth, settling for many shallow relationships rather than a few meaningful ones. He encouraged us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world in the darkest times of our history.Listen to his message under the title of Saturday lecture in the link below.
On Sunday 7 students shared their testimonies based on the Bible passages they studied. They made clear decisions of faith to follow the Christ. M. Jacob delivered the Sunday message based on Isiah 48: 6 titled "New things from now on." God can do many things hidden and unknown to us. Only problem is that we limit God though God is unlimited. There was a reflection video that displayed the work of God in Washington for last 37 years. The highlight of the Harvest Festival was "Turning Point Testimonies" Many members and missionaries shared their spiritual turning points within 45 seconds. They were refreshing our spiritual insights and we praised God for making us the new creation in Christ.
Please pray for Washington Bible Center Expansion plan to provide necessary spaces for our young people to receive training and grow as God's servants.  Thanks for your prayer support and partnership for the gospel of Jesus.
Below you will find the link to listen to all the messages during the Harvest Festival. It will be a great help for you to understand the gospel and culture so that you may become effective disciple makers for young college students. You will love this one in case you missed it.
You will find the link below.
Access code is 301935-2640
May God bless our Christmas season with the good news of great joy of Jesus' birth.
In Christ,
Jacob Lee