2011 Korea 2nd gen Music Conf. Info and Program
by WMD  
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(The picture above is from the 2010 music camp)
1. The date: August 3-5, 2011
August 5: Korea national second gen conference opening concert
2. The place: Osung Youth Training Center in Daechun, Korea
http://www.doytc.com 041-933-5079
3. Object: Third grade and up (second gens who are able to play a musical instrument)
4. Registration fee: $50
Pay to: 국민은행008601-04-027905 예금주:강숙희(후원&기부가능)
5. Camp program: Concert and concert preparation, recreation, (activities, game), and message
6. Departure time: August 3, 2011 at 9 a.m.
Departure Place: Christian Union Hall
Inquire: Joshua Lim 016-763-7033/ josualim@hanmail.net
Concert Program
- Beautiful blue Danube
- Shostakovich Waltz
- John Williams: soundtrack highlights(Harry Potter& A.I.)
- Viotti Violin concerto No. 23
- Por una Cavaza Tango
- Arirang & Expecting Another Fruit