Dr. James Hong's family goes back to Kyungsung UBF from NU (his testimony)
Key verse: 1 Peter 2:9
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”
In this 21st century, what is the real task of a priest? First, it is to deliver the gospel of salvation. Second, it is to make intercessory prayer. God used our missionaries and shepherds as royal priests for the world campus mission for 50 years. Alike, God will use our shepherds for the task of a royal priesthood for the next 50 years. Graceful and merciful God is with me and has blessed me to live as a missionary during the last year. Earlier last year, I had a very hard time in Korea. Then almighty God granted me a sabbatical year. So I came to Chicago with my family as a short-term missionary. When I came to Chicago, I prayed to learn what it means to love God and how to have the same life-giving spirit as the shepherds and missionaries in Chicago UBF. As in answer to my prayers, God showed me his wonderful love and led my family in learning how to live as missionaries. First, I give thanks to God for helping me settle down well in the U.S. God helped us to take care of our three children, to win the victory after my DR exam application was rejected, and to solve a traffic violation problem by sending the angel of the Lord. Second, God used my family as NU ministry co-workers, especially with Dr. Cho’s and Dr. Haimei’s families. Through our fellowship meeting, I learned what it means to have the heart of a shepherd for American medical students. Third, I thank our NU ministry co-workers for showing me their life-giving spirit for serving young college students with the word of God and prayer support. Also, I thank them for serving my family materially and spiritually. Fourth, by God’s grace and mercy, my three children quickly adjusted to their new environment. They loved church life in BBF and CBF, and enjoyed their school in the U.S., and my first son, James Jr., has a vision to enter NU in the future. Praise God for giving vision to my children to live as second generation missionaries.
Time goes fast like an arrow, and one year has already passed. God wants me to go back and serve my hometown ministry. So first, I pray for moving to Korea safely. May God be with my family and watch over us on this return journey. Second, I pray that my family members may adjust well to their new environment there. Third, I will continuously serve the KyungSung UBF medical school ministry for the glory of God. In the medical campus ministry, raising one disciple of Jesus is very important in both the U.S. and Korea. Fourth, even though my family lives in Korea, we will continue to pray for world mission, especially for Chicago UBF and NU to be fruitful, discipleship ministries. This is my house church mission given by God at this time. I pray that my family may live as prayer servants for world mission. Have you heard the phrase, “Once a marine, always a marine”? Alike, I want to say, “Once a missionary, always a missionary, forever.” Amen.
One word: We are a Royal Priesthood.