(Video) 2011 A Farewell Speech by Samuel H Lee at an Inauguration Ceremony (Korean)

by WMD   06-25-2011   0 reads


by Dr. Samuel H. Lee

The former director, Dr. Samuel H. Lee, gave a one-page farewell speech with profound thanks to God, who has used him for the last 6 years in spite of all his weaknesses. He was also thankful to all his coworkers for their prayers. He shared his uphill struggles the last 6 years to learn Jesus’ character holding onto Mark 10:45. He also said he will continue to struggle to overcome his self-centered desire with prayer topics to pioneer 140 new countries, to raise 100,000 missionaries to all nations, for the unity of North and South Korea, and for the raising of disciples in Korea. Finally, he urged all members to be united under the leadership of David Kim by loving each other.