Costarica New Year Conf. Report
Costarica UBF had the first new year disciples’conference on 15th-16th of Jan with the title of “The righteous live by faith.”
Ernesto, Angelica, Emma, 4 missionaries and 5 2nd gens attended. The first lecture was given by Abraham Park based on Romans 1:1-6 with the title, “Grace and Apostleship”. And all attendants shared their key verse testimony and built thanksgiving altar before God.
M. Pablo Park delivered a second message based on Romans 1:16-17 with the title, “The righteous live by faith”. Based on the word of God, Ernesto, Angelica and Emma shared testimonies with the decision of faith to live by faith.
Prayer Topic of Costarica
1. We may all live by faith before God.
2. Ernesto, Angelica and Emma may receive training well to become 1:1 Bible teacher.
3. We may raise 12 disciple candidates through persistent fishing, 20 team 1:1 Bible study.
4. May God give deep and powerful Romans message and give him the spirit of raising disciples of Jesus.