A beautiful wedding between Andrew Cuevas & Natalka Vityuk, LA

by WMD   10-21-2014   0 reads

On October 18, 2014 there was a wedding between Andrew Cuevas and Natalka Vityuk. Andrew traveled to Kiev, Ukraine in the Fall of 2013 when he was formally engaged to Natalka. Natalka then traveled with Andrew and arrived as a missionary to Los Angeles UBF in June 2014 to prepare for the marriage with Andrew. The wedding sermon was based on Joshua 24:15-- "But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” It was Andrew's suggestion that the sermon be based on this verse, expressing his desire that no matter what others do or don't do with their life the resolution in his heart for he and his household is that they will serve the Lord. Practically to serve God they plan to serve each other in the household and also the lost flock of God with the gospel of Jesus at the CSULB (Long Beach State) campus where Andrew has been inviting students to Bible study. The ceremony sermon made clear their faith that this marriage was from God and that they trusted in God to do a good work through the marriage. During the ceremony they both expressed wedding vows including their love and commitment towards each other which was a very beautiful and heart moving moment.

The reception was also very joyful including a lot of spiritual music and dancing such as Salsa and Ukrainian dancing both of which Natalka knows well. Thus the couple's first dance included Salsa after beginning in a slow romantic dance. The guests were very joyful and blessed to learn and join in Ukrainian dancing as the last of the dancing at the end of the reception, making for a very friendly environment.