Minneapolis UBF Celebrated Christmas 2014

by WMD   12-11-2014   0 reads

Minneapolis chapter had a Christmas Worship Service on Sunday, December 7th at the University of Minnesota Student Center. Around 50 attendants including co-workers, Bible students, family members, and guests from Eau-Claire chapter came to worship our Lord Jesus Christ. Dr. James Rabchuk came from Illinois to deliver a Christmas message. In the weeks prior to his coming, his mother experienced a very critical health problem. But Dr. Rabchuk was determined to come and deliver his message. Our co-workers began to pray earnestly with one heart. Amazingly, she was gradually restored in both body and mind. We all tasted the joy of Christmas even before the worship service.

Before the message, Spencer Luebben and Ben West performed a joyful skit entitled “Christmas Jesus vs. Easter Jesus” that reminded us of the true meaning of Jesus’ coming. Dr. Rabchuk then delivered a graceful message entitled “The Son Became Nothing” based on Philippians 2:1-13. God blessed us to embrace the mindset of Christ Jesus, who became nothing to serve sinners. Afterwards, Ben West shared his beautiful life testimony and a choir sang and glorified God with peaceful chorus music.

A Violin duet by Moses and Mary Park provided special music for the offering. After the worship service, all attendants enjoyed wonderful refreshments and fellowship while sharing a delicious dinner. Praise God for richly blessing our Christmas Worship Service!

From Minneapolis