Kansas City UBF 2014 Christmas Celebration!

by WMD   12-24-2014   0 reads

Philippians 2:6-7

“Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.”

Kansas City UBF 2014 Christmas worship service was held on December 14 in University of Missouri – Kansas City (UMKC) student union.

Dr. James Rabchuk from Western Illinois University (WIU) delivered his message based on Philippians 2:1-13. He drew our attention to Jesus’ grace and humility of incarnation for our salvation. He mentioned that Philippians 2:6-11 is a doxology, a confession of faith that was shared among the first believers and passed down through Paul to all of us, and said, “Our confession of faith in this salvation must lead us, slowly, inexorably, to have Christ’s mindset of humility and personal sacrifice for the sake of others.”

Then our Christmas worship service was blessed by three reflections shared by three students.

First, Mary Lim (Junior at Kansas City Art Institute). Her reflection was based on Matthew 1:23. Her reflection revealed the grace of Immanuel very well.

Second, Deja Stewart (Sophomore at UMKC). Her reflection was also based on Matthew 1:23. She mentioned that to bear the grace of Immanuel we must strive to die to sin and purify our lives to live this life with God.

Third, Shepherd Alloch Burton (Third year in the School of Pharmacy). We thank God that he has been growing as a shepherd. His reflection was based on Matthew 1:1-17. In his reflection he wrote: “God was using me after many years of training for his purpose. It wasn’t my purpose. I would be very content to sit at home and watch TV rather than devote hours and hours to Bible study. But God’s grace is more powerful than my own desire…By God’s grace we are made holy through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through this and understanding that God used his servants, even those servants in the genealogy of Jesus, I am coming to understand God’s purpose for us as people of the Body of Christ…Let’s continue to use God’s training through Bible study and by working out our salvation to continue His work in history.”

Through their reflections, we are very much encouraged to continue our life of faith with the prayer topic of raising up 12 disciples of Jesus, 12 women of faith, and 120 Jesus’ people from UMKC.

In Christ,

Noah Rhee