by HQ Bible Study Team   08/02/2011     0 reads



(Keeping the Lamp of God Burning)

Luke 1:5–25,39–45,57–80
Key Verse: 1:6

  1.  Note the times in which Zechariah and Elizabeth lived (5a,16–17,79). What spiritual heritage did they both have? (5b) How does the author describe them? (6–7) What were the outstanding characteristics of their spiritual life? (Dt10:12–13; Ps1:2; Mic6:8) In what sense did they keep the lamp of God burning?
  2.  What did the priest’s burning incense mean? (8–10; cf. Ex30:7–8; Rev8:4) What good news did the angel bring Zechariah, and why? (11–13) How did God use his prayer life? (Lk18:1) Why is prayer and Bible study so essential in house church ministry? What name did God give his son, and what were God’s plans for him? (13b–17)
  3.  How did Zechariah’s fatalistic life problem hinder him from believing the angel’s message? (18) Why did the angel rebuke him, and what training would he receive? (19–20) What can we learn here about the importance of believing God’s word, regardless of our situation?
  4.  When God’s words were fulfilled, what did Elizabeth say? (23–25a) How could she keep her faith, despite her disgrace? (6) What did she learn about God? (25b) What can wives learn from her? How did Elizabeth counsel Mary at a critical moment (41–45), and what was her response? (46) How should we give spiritual counsel to young people?
  5.  What pressure did the neighbors and relatives put on the couple? (59,61) How did they both obey God’s instructions? (60,62–63) What happened to Zechariah? (64) What can we learn from Zechariah and Elizabeth’s personal faith, co-working and obedience? How did they influence the people around them? (58,65–66)
  6.  When he obeyed, what happened to Zechariah? (67) Who was the focus of his song? (68–75,78–79) What would his son’s role be? (76–77) How can house church leaders have such Christ-centered, prophetic vision, and a sense of God’s redemptive history? How can we serve him in holiness and righteousness all our days? (74–75)
  7.  What can we learn in this study about the kind of people God chooses to use in his redemptive work and history? How can our house churches be the lamp of God in our time?
