Romans 15:1-33
Key Verse: 15:16
1. Read verses 1-3. What is the responsibility of strong Christians toward weaker ones? What does it mean to "bear with"? What does it mean to please one's neighbor for his good? What was Christ's example?
2. Read verse 4. How can we have hope in spite of our weaknesses and the weaknesses of others? How can we plant the hope of God in our sheep?
3. Read verses 5-7. How can people who are very different find a true spirit of unity? Why must we?
4. Read verses 8-9. What was God's purpose for the Jews? (Ge 12:3; Ex 19:6) How did Jesus become a servant of the Jews? What do verses 9-13 teach about God's world salvation plan? What was God's hope? What is our hope?
5. Read verses 14-22 Why did Paul regard his ministry to the Gentiles as a priestly duty? How did he strive to carry out that duty? What was his vision?
6. Read verses 22-33. Why did he want to go to Rome? To Spain? (Ac 1:8) Why did Paul plan to visit Jerusalem? Was this an easy visit? (Ac 21:13) Why was it so important for him to go? What were his prayer requests?