HQ Website Report 2015

by WMD   02-25-2016   0 reads

During 2015, a total of 440 articles were posted on the website. UBF chapters from all the continents sent articles to be posted. Among them, there were 18 articles in which over 1,000 readers visited. The UBF General Director’s New Year’s message was read by over 3,000 people. It meant that the New Year’s message was fully delivered to all our members around world. Though the donation site was new, it received a lot of prayer support.  The Well Retreat also received much prayer support. Through the North American staff conference, all the Bible workers looked at the work of God in North America, and through website, the General Director’s announcements were fully delivered to every corner of the world. Also, UBF Newsletters were read a lot.   

     God has used UBF website as his media for world campus mission. Through the website, God has worked all God’s people to have same vision, same prayer topics and same direction. Making a united ministry of all, God has used the website ministry as his instrument. 

    Last year, God used Daniel Shim (Asia & Korea), Deborah Yang (Europe), Dr. Samuel Park (Latin America), Isaac Lim (CIS & Africa), Elijah Park (North America), Rebecca Chung (Asia), Jerry Robinson (Chicago), and Deborah Lim (posting) as website team members. Yvonne Lee, Michael Lanier, Francesca Nuyen and Rich Ryzewski proofread articles voluntarily. Diana Rivas and Socorro Diaz helped the website team through translating from Spanish to English. Website team members met every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday together and prayed for the UBF website to be used for God’s world campus ministry. Dr. John Jun prayed for the website and supported the ministry. Also, Dr. Jose Ahn also supported the website ministry.

    God has given us the UBF website to share God’s work and prayer topics for each other, and so that through the website, the Mighty God and grace of God has been revealed. The website served to encouraged each other and give inspiration in serving God’s ministry. It also has helped world campus ministry through praying for each other and also praying for those who need prayer. Paul says in Romans 1:11-12, “I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong— that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” Through sharing God’s work and prayers, all can participate in God’s ministry and also love each other. 

 Prayer Topics

  • Be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.
  • For more than 600 articles be posted.
  • For more than 50 articles to have over 1000 readers. 

Attachment is a detailed  report.

File attachment: