Passage: Luke 23:26~31  

Key verse: 28

1. Simon of Cyrene (26)

Jesus was physically weak from the cruel abuse he had received. The cross he carried was heavy. Simon, a pilgrim from Cyrene in Africa, was pressed into service. Perhaps he cursed his bad luck. Then he found that his 'bad luck' was God's opportunity to the greatest privilege of his whole life--he could carry the cross of the Savior of the world.

2. Weep for yourselves (27-31)

Many people followed the grim procession, weeping. They saw Jesus as a young man, like their sons, and were sorrowful that his life must end so tragically. But Jesus saw how utterly corrupt the world had become because of men's sinful hearts. He would die for the sins of the world; but they must live in a world headed for destruction. They must weep tears of repentance and accept the gospel of forgiveness.

Prayer: Lord, show me my sins so that I may weep tears of repentance and accept your forgiveness.

One Word: Weep for yourselves