Passage: John 8:31~41  

Key verse: 31,32

1. If you hold to my teaching (31-36)

To hold to Jesus' teaching means to obey God's word as Abraham did (Ge 12:4; 22:18). If we receive God's absolute word in our hearts and obey it in our practical lives, we are really Jesus' disciples. Then we can know the truth that sets us free from the power of sin and death. When we sin we are slaves of sin. Slaves enjoy small pleasures; they think they have security if their material problem is solved. But slaves have no security. Children, however, are free and secure in the Father's love. The Son of God sets us free and makes us children of God.

2. Do what your father did (37-41)

The Jews were the physical descendants of Abraham. They were offended when Jesus said they were slaves. They had overcome physical slavery, first in Egypt and later in Babylon. But they still were slaves of sin, for they did not have God's word in their hearts, and they acted, not like Abraham, but like children of the devil.

Prayer: Lord, help me to hold your word in my heart and obey it in my life.

One Word: Hold to God's word and be free