Passage: 1Samuel 27:1~12  

Key verse: 1

1. David leaves Israel (1-7)

David decided that he was safer with his Philistine enemies than in his own country, so he went to Achish king of Gath. Perhaps this decision came from human calculations. Achish had realized that Saul was more eager to kill David than to kill Philistines, so he welcomed David as a friend, a man with a common enemy, and gave him permission to live in Ziklag. David and his men took their families and lived there in Philistine territory for a year and four months.

2. Survival among the Philistines (8-12)

Achish did not understand David at all. David was in a dilemma. He had left Israel, but he was not an enemy of Israel, nor of Saul. He and his men raided the Amalekites and other people who were the enemies of Israel, then he brought back the spoils to Achish, telling him that they were from this or that city of Judah. So Achish came to trust David. David was faithful to the Lord's people even when they rejected him.

Prayer: Lord, help me be faithful to you and to your people in any circumstance.

One Word: Survival by God's grace