Passage: Amos 2:4~16  

Key verse: 4b

1. They have rejected the law of the Lord (4-5)

God roars with anger at man's inhumanity to man in the Gentile world; but he judges his own people by a higher standard--his revealed word. The people of Judah did not obey God's word because they had been led astray by false gods. They would burn with the fire of God's wrath.

2. Forgotten grace (6-16)

The sins of northern Israel were even more flagrant. Injustice and blatant immorality were rampant (6b-8). The Lord had brought them out of Egypt and fed them in the desert. He had given them the land of the Amorites (Canaan). He had also given them prophets and spiritual leaders, but they would not let the prophets speak God's word, and they would not let the holy men keep their vows. The Lord would crush them as a loaded cart crushes whatever falls beneath its wheels. No one would escape God's wrath.

Prayer: Lord, forgive my sins. Help me to remember your grace with a thankful heart, and diligently obey your word.

One Word: Remember his grace; keep his word