Passage: Matthew 26:31~56  

Key verse: 39

The disciples hadn’t gotten over the news that one of them would betray him when Jesus told them, “All of you will run away from me.” But he added, “But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee.” Jesus knew his disciples would desert him. He knew Peter would deny him. But Jesus went ahead. The work of God advances regardless of people’s actions.

Jesus was troubled. his very soul was troubled with sorrow to the point of death. He left his top disciples, and he prayed three times that his Father would take the cup of suffering from him so that he would not have to die such a horrible death. Yet each time, Jesus prayed for, not his will, but his Father’s will to be done. After the third prayer, he was ready to meet his betrayer.

Then Judas came, leading a detachment of soldiers. Judas kissed Jesus, and Jesus replied, “Do what you came for, friend.” As they tried to take Jesus, Peter tried to stop them with his sword, wounding one of the soldiers. Jesus told him to put his sword away. Jesus’ main concern was the fulfillment of Scripture and doing God’s will.

Prayer: Father, thank you that the advance of the gospel doesn’t depend on people’s reactions. May the gospel advance all around the world according to your plan.

One Word: Not my will, but yours