Passage: Job 31:1~40  

Key verse: 1

Job’s friends had been telling him that he was being punished because of secret sins he had committed. So here, Job gives a detailed defense of his own integrity. He didn’t just talk about a holy life; he did what was necessary to live one.

Job understood what kind of commitment is needed to resist sinful desires, so to keep himself from adultery, he made “a covenant with his eyes” (1). He provided justice to anyone who came to him with a grievance (13). He gave to support those less fortunate than himself (16-20). He was careful not to idolize money or anything else (24-28). He even practiced love of his enemies, as Jesus taught (29). He lived this way because he kept God’s glory in his mind (23). This doesn’t mean that Job lived a perfect or sinless life. But Job’s integrity gave him confidence when facing false accusations (35-37).

We cannot fully measure up to Job’s example. But Job’s principles are a standard for us to aim at, with Jesus’ grace as a starting point. We do it not for an earthly reward, but because we live before God.

Prayer: Father, thank you for teaching me to fight hard against sinful desires. Help me keep my integrity before you even if there seems to be no reward for it.

One Word: A life of integrity.