Passage: Luke 10:25~37  

Key verse: 37b

1. Love God and your neighbor (25-29)

When an expert Bible student asked Jesus about eternal life, Jesus countered, 'What does the Bible teach?' The man knew very well. Read verse 27. But although he knew what the Bible taught, doing it seemed too hard, so he asked Jesus to set some limits on the unconditional love which God demands. Jesus answered with a parable.

2. Those who passed by (30-32)

The first 2 men to discover the injured man were religious leaders. Maybe they had urgent appointments in the city; or maybe they were afraid that the robbers were lurking nearby. Anyway, they didn't want to get involved, so they kept on going.

3. The man who had pity (33-37)

The man who stopped was not a religious man. He was a despised Samaritan. But he showed the compassion of God for the man in need. Jesus said, 'Go and do likewise.'

Prayer: Lord, forgive my selfish life. Help me to love you and to love others.

One Word: 'Go and do likewise'