Continuing Missionary Education (CME)

Many missionaries experience ‘burnout’ after serving gospel ministry in a foreign country for many years. They need help in both personal and ministerial areas but timely help is usually not available for them in the mission field. As self-supporting laymen ministers, they cannot afford a sabbatical leave because they have to support their family financially. Our missionaries struggle with all kinds of issues ranging from marriage relationship and parenting to delivering Sunday messages and raising disciples of Jesus. They also need to learn the local language, culture, history, and cross-cultural communication skills as well as establish good theological foundations. In order to serve them with their needs, a few senior (retired) missionaries began to travel around the world visiting our missionaries and providing custom-designed education. Some of the subjects they have covered so far include but are not limited to the following:

  • Bible study: Christian freedom (Galatians), Christology (Colossians), the universal church (Ephesians), Shepherdology (1 and 2 Timothy, Titus), and Character study revealed in 1 and 2 Samuel.
  • Topical study: How to study/teach the Bible, Marriage, Parenting, House Church, Campus Outreach, Disciple Making, Message Writing and delivery, Church Finances, Coworking, Counseling, Worship, etc.
  • History: UBF history, Church history
  • Language: Hebrew, Greek

Some of these topics are covered in an online education program in collaboration with the Education Department.

Committee Chair: Samuel H. Lee (Korea)