Missionary Education and Training Resources

As we try to revitalize short-term, long-term, and silver mission movements there will be a growing need for their education and training materials. Those who are going out for short term mission need to understand the gospel of grace, the meaning of UBF diaspora (house church) and our spiritual heritage. Those who are going out as long term missionary would need more rigorous training (Korea UBF has a well-established program for this purpose but HQ does not). The missionaries scattered all over the world also need continual support and education for a variety of topics. This committee will develop education and training materials and platforms for short-term, long-term, and silver missionaries in collaboration with HQ Education department, Korea UBF, and other WMD committees. The committee’s activities include but are not limited to the followings:

  • Provide online forums for missionary/shepherd communication and education
  • Produce education and training materials for short term mission
  • Produce education and training materials for long term mission
  • Produce education and training materials for silver mission

Committee Chair: Ezra Cho (Washington, DC)