Silver Mission

Each year, our UBF coworkers in developed countries, such as Korea, US, Canada and European nations, are retiring from their work, even at the age of early fifties. Considering the average lifespan that continues to increase due to medical revolutions they have many years ahead of them prior to entering the heavenly kingdom. A wise man said, “The best preparation for retirement is to prepare the best work to do after retirement.” The best work after retirement is carrying out our Lord Jesus’ Great Commission of world mission, with dreams and visions given by the Spirit (Acts 2:17c). The retired have a great wealth of knowledge and resources, such as in-depth Bible knowledge, decades of shepherding experience, financial stability, language abilities, etc. The primary goal of this committee is to encourage these valuable Bible teachers to dedicate the second half of their lives to world mission and to equip missionary candidates practically to live and carry out God’s mission in a new mission field. The committee’s activities include but are not limited to the followings:

  • Promote silver mission
  • Silver mission opportunity announcement and matchmaking
  • Educate and train the volunteers
  • Silver mission blog
  • Provide mentoring service for small house church ministries

Committee Chair: Richard Choi (Chicago)