UBF Short-Term Mission Statement

The purpose of our short-term missions program is to send out college students, young adults and others who have a calling to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). It is to set a framework and foundation to later raise up long term missionaries and world Christians. Without a short-term program, there can be no long term missions. When people can first give brief periods of their life to missionary work abroad, it can open the eyes and the hearts of those uncertain of traveling to a new country for the first time, overcoming language/cultural barriers, etc. When young people especially are exposed early on to short term missions during their spring, winter and summer break, they are more inclined to give a year or two after graduation and possibly a life time. Short-term missions also allows for those in the mission field to welcome students from other countries but does not cause a financial or long term burden. It also creates a spirit of unity with chapters from other countries which a short conference or brief visit cannot do. Many lives have been changed through short-term missions and it can later start a movement of young people . Students can start looking beyond their small social circles and campuses and start having God’s greater heart and vision for the lost and the world.