Passage: Luke 16:19~31  

Key verse: 26

1. The great chasm between heaven and hell (19-26)

During their lifetimes the rich man enjoyed an easy, luxurious life, while the beggar Lazarus suffered hunger and humiliation. But after these men died, their situations were reversed. Lazarus was taken to heaven to dwell in eternal joy by Abraham's side. The rich man suffered in hell. He begged Abraham to send Lazarus to him with a little water to cool his tongue, but the chasm between heaven and hell is fixed. One who, during his lifetime, puts his faith in Jesus and his hope in heaven will join Abraham there. One whose hopes are in the world will spend eternity in hell.

2. Listen to the Bible (27-31)

How could the rich man's 5 brothers escape the place of torment? They must accept God's word, repent and believe in Jesus, about whom Moses and the prophets wrote. Those who reject the Bible cannot believe in the risen Jesus.

Prayer: Lord, help me to trust in Jesus and put my hope in your kingdom.

One Word: A chasm between heaven and hell