Passage: Acts 4:32~37  

Key verse: 32

1. One in heart and mind (32-33)

The fellowship of believers was not an end in itself. It was a fellowship that testified in word and deed to the presence of the Risen Jesus. When Jesus is Lord of every heart, then selfishness disappears. We ourselves and all our possessions belong to the Lord. This is the secret of being one in heart and mind. In the early church, this oneness was expressed in a primitive form of communism. It was beautiful, for there was no dissension and no needy person. Love and grace abounded.

2. The encourager (34-37)

A man named Joseph sold a field and brought the proceeds to the apostles. His action encouraged the believers very much, so he was called Barnabas, Son of Encouragement. Later, he encouraged Paul; then, John Mark (9:27; 11:22-26; 15:37-39). Encouragers are always needed in the fellowship of believers.

Prayer: Lord, help me to be an encourager of believers by my life, and help me to share Jesus with the world.

One Word: One in heart and mind