Passage: Acts 6:8~15  

Key verse: 15

1. A man full of God's grace and power (8-10)

One of those chosen to serve was Stephen. He was an administrator, but he was also a powerful Bible teacher. He had an effective ministry among fellow Grecian Jews because his life backed up his words. Some sophisticated Jews who did not believe in Jesus, strongly opposed Stephen. But when they debated with him, they couldn't win, for he stood on the side of truth and was full of wisdom and God's Spirit.

2. A secret plot (11-15)

These men began to spread false accusations about Stephen. They accused him of blasphemy against the Bible and against God. So he was arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin. They produced false witnesses who twisted his words and inflamed the religious leaders--the men who had crucified Jesus. The devil is a liar, and he uses false witness to attack the work of God. When Stephen stood before them, he was not afraid. He looked like an angel. He was ready to testify to Jesus.

Prayer: Lord, fill me with your grace and power so that I can witness to Jesus.

One Word: Be full of God's grace and power