Passage: Acts 9:32~43  

Key verse: 40a

1. Jesus Christ heals you (32-35)

Peter the good shepherd traveled around taking care of Jesus' flock. Peter spoke to a bedridden man named Aeneas in the name of Jesus. The man was healed by Jesus; he immediately got up. Those who saw Aeneas' changed life turned to the Lord. They did not turn to Peter and make him a popular cult leader--they turned to Jesus and put their faith in him.

2. Dorcas restored to life (36-43)

The faith of the Christians of Joppa was amazing--they didn't give up, even in the face of death; so when Dorcas, who had cared for so many of them died, they sent for Peter, and expected a miracle. Even though her body was prepared for burial, they believed that if Peter prayed for her, God would raise her from the dead. Peter got down on his knees and prayed. Then he spoke to the dead woman. She opened her eyes and sat up. Again, the people put their faith in the Lord--not in Peter.

Prayer: Lord, teach me to pray so that you can bring new life to dying people. Let Jesus only be glorified by my life.

One Word: Peter knelt down and prayed