Passage: Acts 22:22~29  

Key verse: 28

1. Rid the earth of him! (22-24)

When Paul told the crowd that Jesus had sent him to be a missionary to the Gentiles, they began to throw dust in the air and shout, 'Rid the earth of him!' The Jews had been chosen by God to be a nation of priests, to bring the knowledge of God to the whole world. But they rejected the Messiah and they rejected their mission. They became Satan's tools, and screamed for the death of God's servant.

2. A Roman citizen (25-29)

No one could explain to this Roman soldier that the real problem was the Jewish rejection of their mission to the Gentiles. Paul was stretched out to be flogged. He did not cringe or become fearful. He challenged the officer's authority to flog a Roman citizen. God protected him. Paul's Roman citizenship would eventually take him to Rome.

Prayer: Lord, even though Satan doesn't like missionaries, help me to serve you as a missionary throughout my lifetime.

One Word: Don't be intimidated by Satan