Passage: 1Corinthians 1:18~25  

Key verse: 18

1. The message of the cross (18-21)

The message of the cross seems weak and foolish. To unbelievers, Jesus' death looks like failure and defeat. But to those who accept God's offer of forgiveness and salvation through Jesus, it is life, for he bore our sins and conquered death. For us who are being saved, the cross is the power of God. The way of the cross is the one and only way opened by God for sinful men to come to him for forgiveness and life. Those who reject God's way will perish, for there is no other way.

2. Christ, the wisdom and power of God (22-25)

Some people want a great dramatic miracle that stirs their feelings and makes them believe in God; others want a complicated, intellectual-sounding philosophy that feeds their pride. But God sent Jesus. His death and resurrection is the gospel. It is the wisdom of God and the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.

Prayer: Lord, give me spiritual eyes to see the cross of Jesus and faith to cling to him every day.

One Word: Christ was crucified for me