Passage: 2Corinthians 2:12~17  

Key verse: 14

1. The importance of one man (12-13)

Paul found an open door to preach the gospel in Troas, but when he didn't find Titus there, he said good-bye and went on to Macedonia. Training faithful men had top priority in Paul's ministry. Each Christian worker must become the aroma of Christ. Paul sacrificed an opportunity to preach to many for the task of training one.

2. The aroma of Christ (14-17)

A Christian is one who is united with Christ in his suffering and united with him in his triumph. He does not live by his reason or by his feelings, but by the gospel. So he is the aroma of life to those who receive the gospel and are being saved; and he is the smell of death to those who reject the gospel. A Christian who compromises with the world loses his distinctive fragrance. God's servant must have a pure heart and pure motives and he must speak before God.

Prayer: Lord, dwell in me so that I may be the aroma of Christ, and live as your servant.

One Word: The fragrance of Christ