Passage: 2Corinthians 12:11~21  

Key verse: 14b

1. I want you, not your possessions (11-18)

Paul did not want material benefit from the Corinthian Christians--he wanted their hearts. He was their spiritual father. When he had first lived and worked in Corinth, he had earned his own way as a tentmaker. He still did not want to burden them. He was planning to visit them for the third time, but he made it clear that he did not expect them to support him materially. He loved them like his own children, and was ready to spend everything for them--and even to expend himself for them. He wanted to give to them rather than to receive from them.

2. It is for your strengthening (19-21)

Paul was planning to visit them. He had defended his ministry and had rebuked them in his letter for their spiritual benefit. He hopes that when he meets them face to face, they will have solved their sin problems before God. If they have not repented of the immorality in their midst, Paul will be grieved.

Prayer: Lord, help me to put people ahead of material things and try to strengthen your people in every circumstance.

One Word: Unselfish love