Passage: 2Corinthians 13:1~14  

Key verse: 4

1. The source and use of authority (1-4)

Paul was their shepherd. His authority came from Christ. He used this authority to build up God's people, not to tear them down (10b). Paul was planning to visit them for the third time. He would rebuke those who had not repented. Although Christ was crucified in weakness, he was raised in power. It is this powerful Jesus who is at work among his people. When we repent of our sins, we are weak in him; when we receive his forgiveness and his Spirit, we become strong in God's power.

2. Examine yourselves (5-14)

Each of us must examine himself to see if he is in the faith. We are in the faith when Jesus is in us and we are in him. We are in the faith when we love truth and act according to it. We are in the faith when we repent of our sins and accept God's forgiveness. Paul urges them to aim for perfection and be of one mind.

Prayer: Lord, help me to live by the power of the gospel, not by my human ability.

One Word: You are strong when you are weak