Passage: Galatians 2:17~21  

Key verse: 20

1. Don't rebuild what you destroyed (17-19)

It is easy for a Christian to get in a rut. Instead of walking with Jesus to challenge life and the culture, we slip back into comfortable old patterns. This is a real temptation for those with Jewish or cultural Christian backgrounds. When Paul talks about rebuilding what he destroyed, he is talking about living habitually and about following (consciously or unconsciously) the Jewish laws and customs instead of following Jesus.

2. I have been crucified with Christ (20-21)

The Christian cannot be judged by whether or not he conforms to certain rules or rituals. I am a Christian because I accepted Jesus' death for my sins and his resurrection. I died with Christ when I repented of my sins, and I must die daily. So I have been crucified with Christ and the Risen Christ lives in me, as he promised. He loves me; I love him. I want to live by faith in him.

Prayer: Lord, help me not to live habitually, but to live by faith in the One who gave himself for me.

One Word: Crucified with Christ