Passage: Ephesians 6:1~9  

Key verse: 1

1. Children, obey your parents (1-4)

Children should respect and obey their parents. Parents should not make selfish or unreasonable demands on their children--but children need parental discipline. Parents must bring up their children in the training and instruction of the Lord. A home with love and spiritual order is a happy home.

2. Slaves and masters (5-9)

Slavery is not a part of our culture today, but this passage has relevant application to relationships and attitudes in the working place. God's people should work for their employers wholeheartedly, as if serving the Lord. We should work hard not only when someone is watching. Joseph in Genesis is a good example. Employers should treat employees fairly, remembering that everyone must give an account before God someday.

Prayer: Lord, help the people of this land to overcome pride, and make environments in the home and in society in which people can grow and your name be honored.

One Word: Spiritual order gives peace and joy