Passage: Numbers 13:1~24  

Key verse: 13:1-2

First, they received the call to explore the land (1-16). The Israelites reached the border of the Promised Land. God gave a command for some leaders to go and explore the land. This mission began with a command from God. There are times when we attempt to go on a mission without a calling from God. But, anyone who engages in a mission must begin it with a personal command from the Lord. This is a calling from God. Second, God wanted them to learn about the land to strengthen their faith and encourage the people (17-24). They were to see all the good things the land would provide. They were also to gather information that would help the people strategize about their mission, finding wise ways to enter into the land. With this information the Israelites would be encouraged and their faith strengthened. They were being made ready to move forward.

Prayer: Lord, help me to hear your call to go and see what 'the land' is like. Help me to see all the good things you have in store and insight into your strategy for mission.

One Word: See the land and encourage the people