Passage: Hebrews 10:11~18  

Key verse: 14

1. By one sacrifice he finished (11-14)

The Levitical priest did his religious duties every day. Every day he offered a sacrifice which couldn't take away sin. But our high priest Jesus offered himself--one sacrifice for all times. Then he sat down at the right hand of God to wait for his enemies to be put under his feet. By his blood, shed on the cross, he finished the work that makes us perfect. We who are covered by his blood must grow in holiness until we meet him in heaven.

2. His law on our hearts and in our minds (15-18)

Jeremiah prophesied about the new covenant (Jer 31:33). He promised that God's law would be written on the hearts and in the minds of God's people. The Holy Spirit, given after Jesus' death and resurrection, came to do this. He helps us overcome our sinful natures and live lives that please God. He gives us assurance that our sins--past, present and future--are forgiven by Jesus once and for all sacrifice.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for assuring me that I am forgiven. I am weak, but you are strong. Help me to live by your Spirit.

One Word: Victory through Jesus