Passage: Numbers 18:1~32  

Key verse: 18:20

First, God reminded them of their identity and their mission as Levites (1-7). They had a mission for themselves and their whole family to serve the Lord. There was constant work to be done, which required people working in unison. Their work was of utmost importance for their mission was linked to God withholding his wrath. The priests stood between sinful humanity and the holy God, facilitating sacrifices, bringing people near to God. Fellow workers in mission were provided as a gift. The work was a gift and God was with them. Second, the Levites had God as their inheritance (8-32). The tithes were assigned to the Levites and their maintenance for they were given no land in Canaan. Though they had no inheritance, their needs were abundantly provided for. But it was not all about them receiving. They too had to tithe. They knew that God himself is the best share and inheritance for anyone. If we belong to God and God belongs to us, we have everything.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for the blessing to serve you in a priestly role. You are our great reward.

One Word: The Lord is the best inheritance