Passage: Genesis 4:1~16  

Key verse: 7

1. Cain's and Abel's offerings (1-5)

God accepted Abel's offering, but he did not accept Cain's. Cain offered something as if he were doing God a favor. Abel brought the first and best of his flock. He came by faith, knowing that he was a sinner. He feared and thanked God. When rebuked, Cain did not repent. He became angry.

2. If you do what is right (6-8)

God loved Cain and gave him a precious word. He warned him that sin, like a crouching lion, was at the door of his heart. He could take hold of God's word and overcome sinful desire. But Cain rejected God's word. Sin conquered him; he murdered his brother.

3. A restless wanderer on the earth (9-16)

Cain talked back to God, 'Am I my brother's keeper?' God cursed the ground, and Cain became a restless wanderer, a man with no roots and no heavenly destination. He was full of fear and anxiety. He was cut off from the source of spiritual life. Still, God protected him with a mark--but he was marked as a murderer.

Prayer: Father, help me to keep your word in my heart so that sin may not master me.

One Word: Don't become a restless wanderer