Passage: Psalm 104:1~35  

Key verse: 104:24

First, how many are your works (1-26). Our God is so great! He is clothed with splendor and majesty. He is invisible, yet we see his power, his glory, his mindfulness, compassion and sustaining through all his diverse works: he stretches the heavens as a tent; the clouds are his chariot, winds his messengers. The earth, sea and sky are his handiwork, and he exercises authority over them all. He provides and sustains, giving grass and plants for man and beast. The heavenly objects all find their purpose in his wisdom and plan. How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all, the earth is full of your creatures. Second, all creatures look to you (27-35). Understanding God as Creator and Sustainer, all creatures look to him for their food at the proper time. They need not worry about what to eat; they are satisfied with good things. His Spirit creates and renews the face of the earth. May his glory endure forever. May he rejoice in his creation. May our meditations be pleasing to him.

Prayer: Father, your works reveal your wisdom, power, diversity and goodness. May I sing your praise all my life, and look to you for all things.

One Word: I will sing to the Lord all my life