Passage: Genesis 16:1~16  

Key verse: 13

1. Impatience is unbelief (1-4)

Abram and Sarai were impatient about God's promise. Sarai knew Abram's great desire for a son. She became fatalistic about herself. She loved Abram. They did not pray. She decided to sacrifice her own feelings as a woman and solve Abram's 'no son' problem. When she suggested that he sleep with Hagar, he quickly acquiesced.

2. Obedience is belief (5-16)

Hagar conceived. She became proud and self-confident. When Sarai made it clear that she was the mistress of the household, and Abram supported her, Hagar ran away into the desert. God met her there, gave her a promise, and sent her back to live in a hard situation. Hagar believed God's promise and obeyed his word. Because of her faith in God's promise, she could endure her hard life for the sake of her son. She met God personally and confessed her faith, 'I have seen the One who sees me.'

Prayer: Lord, help me to learn the patience of faith and prayer. Help me to believe your promises and obey your word.

One Word: Obey the God who sees