Passage: Genesis 20:1~18  

Key verse: 7

1. When fear comes in (1-13)

Abraham had prayed for Sodom and had witnessed its destruction. He was shaken. So he moved away into Philistine territory. He did not pray. Sorrow and fear ruled his heart and made him weak and foolish. Abimelech looked like a godless giant. Abraham's old sinful habit came back. He told the same selfish half-truth as he had told in Egypt (12:10-20). He lied to Abimelech and Abimelech took Sarah. God protected them and held Abimelech responsible--even though he had acted in ignorance. God warned him to return Abraham's wife and to ask Abraham to pray for him--then he would live. God helped his servant Abraham in his time of weakness.

2. Abimelech's apology (14-18)

Abraham was wrong. He thought that God's rule did not extend to Philistine territory, but God was there. Abimelech and his people feared God. He had a moral conscience. He returned Sarah, and Abraham prayed for him. Abraham needed to trust God and believe his love. He needed God's training.

Prayer: Lord, help me to love and fear you and to remember that all people are made by you.

One Word: Abraham prayed for Abimelech