Passage: Genesis 21:22~34  

Key verse: 22

1. God is with you in everything you do (22-31)

Abraham continued to live in the land of the Philistines, but he had changed. Abimelech, the heathen king, saw from Abraham's life that God was with him. He came to Abraham because he wanted to be Abraham's friend instead of his enemy. Abraham no longer feared Abimelech. He boldly claimed the well he had dug, accepted Abimelech's apology, and gave him a gift. The two men made a treaty. Abraham had also accepted himself as God's servant.

2. Abraham plants a tree (32-34)

A tamarisk tree is a kind of evergreen. It was a sign of his living faith in the living God. He called on the name of the Lord, the Eternal God. He put his trust wholly in the Lord. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Ro 10:13).

Prayer: Father, help me to live in such a way that even worldly people may recognize that you are with me.

One Word: God is with you in everything you do