Passage: Genesis 29:1~30  

Key verse: 20

1. Jacob meets Rachel (1-14a)

When Jacob arrived in Haran, he had marriage on his mind. He met a woman who captured his heart. He met Rachel at the village well. She was beautiful, and it was love at first sight. He helped her water her sheep, kissed her, and wept. Her beauty and God's leading moved him. He introduced himself, and she ran to her father.

2. Jacob and Laban (14b-30)

Laban realized that his nephew was an able man, so he offered him a job. Jacob only wanted one thing--Rachel. He agreed to work seven years for her; he loved her so much that it seemed like only a few days. On his wedding night, there was a great feast. The bride was veiled, so Jacob did not know until the next morning that he had married cow-like Leah instead of the beautiful gazelle Rachel. He agreed to work another seven years, and the next week he married Rachel too. He suffered because of his faithful stubbornness, but God used this to lay foundations for a great nation.

Prayer: Lord, overrule my foolishness and accomplish your great purposes in and through me.

One Word: A foolish but faithful man