Passage: Genesis 41:41~57  

Key verse: 51,52

1. Joseph traveled throughout the land (41-49)

Joseph was changed from a slave to a ruler in one day. He did not become proud, nor did he seek revenge. He went to work. He believed God's word; for seven years he did not doubt but prepared for the famine. When the years of famine came, he opened the storehouses and fed the Egyptians and the world. He was the steward of the world.

2. Joseph's two sons (50-57)

During the years of plenty, Joseph married and had two sons. His sons' names testify to his faith. Manasseh means 'forget.' This was his testimony that God had taken away his bitterness and sorrow. He held no grudges against his brothers. Ephraim means 'twice fruitful.' Joseph was thankful to God who made him fruitful in the land of suffering. God's blessing did not make him proud; it made him thankful, humble and obedient to God. Joseph accepted God's sovereignty. He continued to walk with God.

Prayer: Lord, help me to believe your word and accept with thanksgiving your lordship.

One Word: Joyfully accept God's sovereignty