Passage: Exodus 4:1~17  

Key verse: 2

1. What is that in your hand? (1-9)

Once Moses had been confident of his ability to lead his people. He had depended on his palace education and human skill. But when he was able and confident, his people had rejected him. Now, after 40 years in the wilderness, he had forgotten everything. He was helpless. He told God, 'No one will listen to me.' So God asked, 'What is that in your hand?' Moses had his shepherd's staff in his hand. That was enough. God made this ordinary staff become an extraordinary sign to confirm God's calling and Moses' leadership.

2. Who gave man his mouth? (10-17)

Moses' second objection was a lack of eloquence. God answered, 'Who made your mouth?' God promised to be with him to help him. Still Moses said, 'Send someone else.' So God sent Aaron to be his mouth. God promised to tell them what to say and do. Then he told Moses to take his staff and go to Egypt.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for reminding me that I can do your work with what I have in my hand--if you are with me.

One Word: What is that in your hand?