Passage: Exodus 8:20~9:12  

Key verse: 8:22

1. Flies everywhere but Goshen (8:20-32)

God wanted Pharaoh, Egypt and Israel to know that the plagues were not just unfortunate natural disasters; they were God's hand of judgment on Egypt. He made this clear when he sent swarms of flies to plague Egypt, but protected his people. Egypt was ruined; Pharaoh said, 'Go, just to worship...and pray for me.' So Moses prayed, and the flies left. But Pharaoh reneged.

2. The Lord's hand on animals and men (9:1-12)

Moses spoke God's word to Pharaoh again (1). He warned that the fifth act of judgment would strike the livestock of Egypt. The Egyptian livestock died, but not even one cow of Israel got sick. God keeps his word, even though Pharaoh is a liar. The sixth act of judgment fell on the bodies of men. All the Egyptians, including the presumptuous magicians, broke out with painful boils. But Pharaoh's hard heart became harder.

Prayer: Lord, help me to hear and obey your word with awesome respect and a repentant heart.

One Word: The Lord is in this land