Passage: Leviticus 20:1~22:33  

Key verse: 22:31-33

1. Consecrate yourselves and be holy (20:1-27)

God's punishment for sin is severe because he loves his people. They must consecrate themselves to him and be holy in order to inherit and live in the good land, the land flowing with milk and honey. The sins which God abhors and will punish are: offering children to the pagan god Molech; breaking spiritual order in the family by cursing one's parents; committing various acts of sexual immorality and/or perversion. God's people must keep God's laws and grow as a holy nation and a kingdom of priests.

2. Priests and offerings must be holy (21:1-22:33)

Aaron and his sons were priests. They were set apart for God's service; so they must keep themselves clean in body, mind and spirit. They were given special privileges and special responsibilities. They would be put to death for treating God's requirements with contempt. God redeems his people and makes them holy. God's servants must acknowledge him as holy.

Prayer: Lord, cleanse me by the blood of Jesus. Keep me from presumptuous sins. Make America a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

One Word: Do not profane God's holy name